A woman’s body is very delicate and should be delicately handled. These are things you have to know about your BR*ASTS.
you ever looked at your n!pple$ and wondered if they’re normal? It
turns out, they come in all different shapes and sizes. What’s more,
they can bring you incredible pleasure, help feed a baby, and even tip
you off to some potentially serious health problems. Seriously, they’re
amazing. After reading this, we promise you’ll have newfound respect for
this body part. Here, everything you need to know about your n!pple$.
1. They Can Span Several Inches
size of a woman’s n!pple$ and areolas can be as wide as a half-dollar
or smaller than a dime, and either way is totally normal, says Alyssa
Dweck, M.D., ob-gyn in Westchester, New York and coauthor of V Is for
V*gina. Gain weight or get pregnant, and they can balloon even bigger,
she says.
2. They Come in a Range of Colors
pink, brick red, dark brown: Nipple pigment has to do with a woman’s
ethnic background and the hue of the rest of her skin. Just as nipple
size changes when you have a baby, so does nipple color, and that shift
in shade is often permanent. “It’s the result of hormone surges during
pregnancy,” says Dweck.
3. They’re Capable of Mucho Pleasure
are an erogenous zone for many women, and a 2011 study from the Journal
of $exual Medicine backs this up. Researchers using MRI imaging found
that when n!pple$ are stimulated, a pleasure center inside the brain
lights up the same way it lights up after stimulation of the clitoris
and vagina.
4. Nipple Orgasms are Not Fiction
same 2011 study that showed a link between nipple stimulation and the
pleasure center of the brain also raised the possibility that nipple
stimulation alone could result in orgasm, something s*x researchers
previously estimated that only a “small number” of women could
5. They Sometimes Come in Threes
not uncommon for a man or a woman to be born with three n!pple$ (or
four, or five, or seven, as one 2012 study details). These extra
n!pple$, known as “supernumerary n!pple$,” resemble a mole or mark. They
never develop into actual BR*ASTS, and they can show up anywhere on the
body, according to the National Institutes of Health.
6. n!pple$ Are Supposed to Be Bumpy
closely at your n!pple$ and the surrounding areolas; they kind of
resemble the bumpy, crater-filled surface of the moon. “Those bumps on
the areola can be hair follicles, ducts, or oil glands that produce
lubricating fluid,” says Dweck. “It’s totally normal to have them.”
7. But Sometimes a Bump Is Bad News
rare form of brea$t cancer called Paget’s disease can present itself as
a red bump or rash on the nipple or areola, says Dweck. “It’ll look
like an angry skin change that doesn’t go away,” she says. If you spot
this and it persists for a few weeks, have your doctor take a look.
8. They Don’t Love the Gym
out is super-healthy for your body as a whole, but it can be rough on
your n!pple$, which often get dry, chafed, and even bloody as they rub
back and forth against your sports br@, says Dweck. Dabbing on some
petroleum jelly before a treadmill session will soothe irritated skin.
9. Nursing Can Do a Number on Them
pain, cracking, bleeding—these are just some of the consequences of
having a hungry newborn attached to your n!pple$ several times a day,
says Dweck. These symptoms tend to disappear as a new mom gets the hang
of it, but if your n!pple$ continue to suffer, get an assist from your
pediatrician or a lactation consultant.
10. They Can Leak Milk
moms, you might want to keep an extra blouse in your purse or glove
compartment. It’s a totally freaky phenomenon, but many breastfeeding
women have found themselves suddenly leaking milk as soon as they hear
the cry of a random infant or baby nearby, says Dweck.
11. Discharge Can Be a Warning Sign
little discharge that comes out after you’ve squeezed your nipple is
probably no big deal. “But a white, creamy discharge that’s released on
its own could be a sign of a non-cancerous growth in the brain,” says
Dweck. Green or black discharge can tip you off to a benign duct
problem. And bloody discharge might mean brea$t cancer. If you
experience the latter, bring it to your doctor’s attention.
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