There are at least four primary s*xual sins the Word of God speaks of: adultery, fornication, uncleanness and lewdness.
Here are the definitions of these four s*xual sins:
2- Fornication: p****graphy, illicit s*xual intercourse including prostitution, whoredom, inc*st, licentiousness (lack of moral restraint), and habitual immorality (would include s*xual fantasies that lead to self service).
3- Uncleanness: Often refers to homosexuality and lesbianism
4- Lewdness: unashamed indecency, unbridled lust, unrestrained depravity (a disposition or settled tendency to evil, the innate corruption of unregenerate man), the person with this characteristic has an insolent defiance of public opinion, sinning in broad daylight with arrogance and contempt. Again, this often refers to s*xual sin. Here’s where many people err in their understanding of their se*uality. Notice the following verses. “Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods, but God will destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for s*xual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God both raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power” (1 Cor. 6:13-14). Paul is correcting the dangerous misconception among the Corinthians who believed, “as the stomach is designed for food, the private parts are created for s*xual experience.” This mind-set is not only common among unregenerate human beings but also among Christians who justify s*xual immorality. Paul shows how this analogy is false because your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and belongs to Christ. Eating food is a secondary and temporal arrangement, but se*uality reaches into the eternal and metaphysical depths of one’s being. An essential identity exists between the present physical body and the future glorified body (v 14).
I had to shake my head at that one. And yet this preacher is considered one of the greatest preachers in America with a very large following. It turns out that one of his own children is a homosexual. Although this is a very crushing trial for any godly parent to have to face, one cannot be loyal to his family at the expense of betraying God’s holy Word. When influential preachers say erroneous things like that, it opens the door for deception and compromise among masses of people who respect these preachers. This will lead to a flood of evil, immorality, and all kinds of perversion among the hearers of such. It is sad to see the dilution of sound doctrine in much of the church today. It is grievous to the Holy Spirit to see such cowardice and compromise among preachers who have either departed from the true faith or who are afraid to teach sound doctrine in the area of s*xual morality. As a result, our children and young people are getting educated by the reprobate minds of the world. Let the preachers of righteousness speak up with strength and conviction, for the time is here when many are not enduring sound doctrine, but with itching ears are heaping up teachers unto themselves.
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